A Lost In Space Reboot In The Works

liscastThe folks behind Godzilla (2014) and Dracula Untold have signed a deal with Kevin Burns to attempt a reboot of Lost In Space. Kevin Burns has confirmed this on his Facebook page. The writers of Dracula Untold will pen the new project. There has been a mixed reaction by fans, with some excited about the prospect to present the show to a new generation and fix some of the “problems” they think the original had, and others upset that the reboot won't do justice to the original and will be too dysfunctional like the disappointing 1998 film and the unsold 2004 pilot.

Seeing as Dracula Untold is getting horrible reviews, I'm not sure these writers are the ones to handle a Lost In Space reboot. I remain wary. Rarely do reboots or remakes capture the charm and feel of the original. Lost In Space is a product of its time and personally, I think it's a mistake to modernize it. I will probably give the first episode a chance, out of curiosity, but they had best get it right or I, and many other fans, won't stick around to see if our intrepid pioneers ever make it home.

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