Lost In Space 50th Anniversary Blu-ray Collection on Amazon

Lost In Space 50th Anniversary Blu-rayLost In Space 50th Anniversary Blu-ray Collection is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com. As of this posting, the price is $20 off the full price. The collection will be released September 15th, on the 50th anniversary of the premiere broadcast of the show.

As mentioned in an earlier announcement of the Lost In Space 50th Anniversary Blu-ray, this collection will have tons of extras. It comes with 18 discs so this collection is PACKED with tons of goodies for the fans. The bonus material includes documentaries, interviews, episode commentary, and The Epilogue, an ending to the show written by Bill Mumy and table read by the cast for this collection. The Epilogue, as you may know was pitched to Irwin Allen as a tv reunion project to provide closure to the show, but was turned down. This will be exciting for fans who want Bill's take on how the saga ended.

Order a copy of the Lost In Space 50th Anniversary Blu-ray now!

Update: The Lost In Space 50th Anniversary Blu-ray collection has officially been released! Happy 50th Anniversary, Lost In Space!

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